In this guide, you will learn how to register on the Zonda exchange, how to buy your cryptocurrencies, how you can earn extra and why not store cryptocurrencies on the exchange after buying them.
Zonda is actually a BitBay exchange that changed its management and name, introducing a new quality. The exchange was established many years ago and has over 1,000,000 users all over the world. It is one of the most popular and recognizable cryptocurrency exchanges in Europe.
To register on the Zonda cryptocurrency exchange, go to the link below
How to register on the Zonda exchange?
Start by going to the link that will take you to the Zonda exchange –
Then fill in your details. You will need to complete a full verification step to take full advantage of Zonda. This is required by government regulations. Without verification, you will not be able to fully use the platform. Prepare an identity document and a document that proves your place of residence (for example, a telephone bill, electricity bill, etc.). You will need these documents during the verification.
After full verification, you can go to the Zonda platform and purchase cryptocurrencies such as: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Lisk, GameCredits, etc.
Zonda focuses on educating future investors on the cryptocurrency market. Over time, a special application and website will be created that will also educate new people in the world of Cryptocurrencies.
Before investing in Cryptocurrencies, start by learning. Without basic knowledge, I do not recommend investing.
How to buy cryptocurrencies on the Zonda exchange?
The stock exchange is very simple and intuitive. On the YouTube platform you will find plenty of instructions on how to buy cryptocurrencies on the BitBay exchange and Zonda has the same look.
To buy cryptocurrencies, go to the “Stock” tab and select the appropriate cryptocurrency and which currency pair you want to trade
We can choose from over 50 popular cryptocurrencies and 3 currency pairs to which we can buy (PLN, Euro and Dollar)
We can either set the price for which we want to buy a given cryptocurrency, or go to the “Quick Transaction” tab and immediately buy from what is already listed on the exchange. In this way, we will buy the cryptocurrency immediately, without waiting for the price to drop to the level we set.
How to earn extra?
The Zonda cryptocurrency exchange allows you to recommend their services. When you refer someone to an exchange, you may receive a share of the commission that the exchange charges. The stock exchange allows you to earn from 20% of the commission it charges itself. Sometimes there are promotions where this value rises up to 80%. So when the exchange charges PLN 10 for a transaction, you should pay PLN 2 to PLN 8. And so every time a person recommended by you purchases on the stock exchange. This way, you can earn extra money on the Zonda exchange. The Zonda exchange will pay you a commission in a given cryptocurrency or Fiat currency, depending on what was purchased by the person recommended by you. For example, when you buy Bitcoin, you will receive a commission in this cryptocurrency, etc.
Why not keep cryptocurrencies on the stock exchange?
It is not recommended to store cryptocurrencies on the exchange because then cryptocurrencies do not belong to you. That is, if the stock market collapsed or your money ran out, you might not get your money back. This has happened many times with various weird exchanges as well as large ones.
Therefore, keep cryptocurrencies in your wallet to keep them safe. In the world of cryptocurrencies, you are responsible for the security of your funds, so go ahead and get some basic knowledge. When the funds are well secured, it is not possible to collect them from you.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of scammers on the market who will try to convince you in various ways to give them your private keys to your wallet. This way, they can steal your cryptocurrencies.
Be sure to read the basics before Investing. The cryptocurrency market is already well developed, so you can find everything on the Internet in free knowledge.
Good luck!